Thermocouple type S (Pt10%Rh - Pt)

For which application is a thermocouple type S suitable?

A type S thermocouple (Pt10%Rh - Pt or Platinum10%Rhodium / Platinum) according to DIN EN 60584 is suitable for applications at higher temperatures in clean, oxidizing and neutral atmospheres (air), in non-aggressive (noble) gases and for short periods in vacuum. The standardized temperature range of the type S thermocouple is -50°C/+1768,1°C. 

Type S thermocouples have an operating temperature range, described in the standard DIN EN 60584, from 0 to +1600°C (in class 1) and a limiting deviation of ±1.0°C or[1 + (t - 1100) x 0,003] °C. The temperature range of a type S thermocouple is 0 to +1600°C in class 2. The temperature deviation (limit deviation) is ±1.5°C or 0.25%.

What is the structure of a type S thermocouple (Pt10%Rh - Pt)?

The legs of a type S thermocouple (positive leg: orange; negative leg: white) are made of the following materials: 

Type S (+) leg (Pt10%Rh):
Platinum with 99.99% purity with a rhodium alloy (purity 99.98%) 10±0.05% rhodium content

Type S (-) leg (Pt):
Platinum with 99.99% purity

An overview of other thermocouples for thermocouples with general properties, the temperature range, material composition as well as advantages and areas of application can be found in the table Overview thermocouples. Information on the electrical voltage of thermocouples can be found in the table Thermoelectric voltage.


Thermocouple type S properties and areas of application.

Color code

Technical characteristics of a thermocouple type S




 temperature range

Application temperature range in class 1

Limit deviation
in class 1

Application temperature range
in class 2

Limit deviation
in class 2

Type S






0 to +1600°C

±1,0°C or  [1 + (t - 1100) x 0,003] °C

0 to +1600°C

±1,5°C or 0,25%

Types and designs of thermocouples type S (Pt10%Rh - Pt)

Depending on the application and temperature range, type S thermocouples can be used with a connection cable, a thermocouple plug, a protection tube and a connection head. In the following overview you will find common thermocouples or sheathed thermocouples type S, which are often used.


You can find an overview of other thermocouple types here. Your direct line to the SAB-Team.


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