Flame Tests for Electrical Cables

The flame propagation behavior of cables and wires is of crucial importance for many application areas. Depending on the specific application of the electrical cables, characteristics such as flame retardancy, fire propagation, toxicity or smoke density are important aspects when selecting a suitable cable.

In order to meet the requirements of our customers and the wide range of applications, we at SAB have built up an extensive range of flame tests and meet almost all of our customers' fire protection requirements for a wide variety of applications.

The following is a selection of fire and flame tests that we have carried out in our test centre or by external test laboratories. For detailed information on each flame test, please refer to the specific fire test specification, including examples of cables that have passed the fire test. If you require a different flammability test for your application, please contact us.

Highly flexible cables according to your special requirements

Family business for construction and production since 1947

Please send us your inquiry
+49 (0)2162 898-0
Monday to Thursday, 7.30–16.30
Friday, 07.30–13.30