Cable Harnessing Manufacturer | Cable Assemblies

We at SAB BRÖCKSKES have enlarged our product range by cable harnessing products. It does not matter if it is a standard or special product, we design and produce high quality cables as well as ready-made cables with plug. We offer a broad product range from harnessed single cores, cables, or complete cable sets according to your special prescriptions and requirements.

Our cable assemblies are already used in various industrial applications. For example, they are used in the automotive industry, in machine, plant and control engineering and in the household appliance industry. The varied combination possibilities of plug types and terminals offer economic solutions together with the numerous application possibilities of the different materials treated by SAB.

UL certified cable assembly
The SAB Bröckskes GmbH & Co. KG has completed its range of harnessed cables with the certification acc. to UL Standard Wiring Harness“ category ZPFW2 (UL)” and “ZPFW8 (Canada) and herewith strengthens its position as cable specialist for cable harness acc. to customer´s specification. 
Do you need assembled cables with UL certification? Contact us directly!

Wide range of cable assemblies

The varied combination possibilities of plug types and terminals as well as the different materials processed by us offer economic solutions.  Before we can assemble a cable, close consultation with our cusomters is necessary in order to develop an optimal connection solution for your application.

In all product ranges, we are certified according to ISO 9001. Furthermore, we have implemented an environmental management system for our company according to ISO 14001, an occupational health and safety management system according to NFL/ILO-OSH and OHSAS 18001, and an energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 50001

No matter if standard or special construction, we design and produce high-quality cables and wires up to the ready-connected plug.  Besonders achten wir hierbei auf einen hohen Qualitätsstandard durch eine fortlaufende Qualitätskontrolle. For your customized solutions our experts are always at your disposal.

Please do not hesitate to contact our specialists who will advice you individuallly for your special application. 


Assemblied system solutions

Customized cable assembly according to your wishes.

Family business for construction and production since 1947

Please send us your inquiry
+49 (0)2162 898-0
Monday to Thursday, 7.30–16.30
Friday, 07.30–13.30