Types and characteristics of Thermocouples

What is the difference between the thermocouple types? For which temperature range can the thermocouples be used?

In the following table you can see an overview of different types of thermocouples with general properties, the temperature range, material composition as well as advantages and areas of application. Information on the electrical voltage of thermocouples can be found in the table Thermoelectric voltage.


Thermocouple Types and Characteristics of Thermocouples

Thermocouple- types

Characteristics of Thermocouples






Temperature range


Suitable application


Unsuitable application

Type E





base metal thermocouple

NiCr -CuNi

single wires made of non precious metals


Type E (+) leg:
89-90% nickel, 9-9.5% chrome, 0.5% silicium and iron balance: C, Mn, Nb, Co

Type E (-) leg:
55% copper, 45% nickel approx. 0.1%, co balt, iron and manganese




  • in pure, oxidizing (air), or neutral atmosphere (inert gases)

  • high resistance against corrosion

  • small thermal conductivit



  • not sulphuric, reducing or alternately oxidizing, and reducing atmosphereu

  • do not apply in vacuum for a long time


Type J





base metal thermocouple

Fe - CuNi

single wires made of non precious metals


Type J (+) leg:
99.5 % iron, approx. 0.25 % manganese, approx. 0.12 % copper, balance: other impurities

Type J (-) leg:
55% copper, 45% nickel approx. 0.1%, cobalt, iron, and manganese




  • from 0 to 760°C in vacuum, oxidizing (air), reducing orinert atmosphere (inert gases)



  • temperatures below 0°C

  • sulphurous atmosphere above +500°C

  • above 760°C only with bigger wire diameters


Type K






base thermocouple

(nickel-chrome/ nickel-aluminium)

single wires made of non precious metals


Type K (+) leg:
89-90% nickel, 9-9.5% chrome, 0.5 % silicium and iron balance: C, Mn, Nb, Co

Type K (-) leg:
95-96% nickel, 1-1.5% silicium, 1-2.3 % aluminium, 1-3.2% manganese, 0.5% cobalt, balance: Fe, Cu, Pb




  • from 250°C to 1260°C in pure, oxidizing (air) and neutralatmosphere (inert gases)

  • for higher temperatures bigger wire diameters are recommended



  • between 250°C up to 600°C not suitable for exact measurements with quick temperature changes

  • not appropriate for a longer time with high temperatures in vacuum

  • do not apply with high temperatures in sulfurous, reducing or alternately oxidizing, and reducing atmoshere without protection

  • do not use in atmosphere favourizing "green mould" 


Type L





base thermocouple

Fe - CuNi

single wires made of non precious metals


Type L (+) leg:
99.5 % iron, approx. 0.25 % manganese, approx. 0.12 % copper, ballance: other impurities

Type L (-) leg:
55% copper, 45% nickel, approx. 0.1% cobalt, iron, and manganese




  • from 0°C to 760°C in vacuum, oxidizing (air), reducing or inert atmosphere (inert gases)

  • above 500°C bigger wire diameters are recommended



  • Temperatures below 0°C

  • sulphurous atmosphere above +500°C

  • above 760°C only with bigger wire diameters


Type N






base thermocouple

NiCrSi - NiSi

single wires made of non precious metals


Type N (+) leg:
84% nickel, 14-14.4 % chrome, 1.3-1.6% silicium, ballance (not more than 0.1%): Mn, Fe, C, Co

Type N (-) leg:
95 % nickel, 4.2-4.6 % silicium, 0.5-1.5 % magnesium, ballance: Fe, Co, Mn, C,
(altogether 0.1-0.3%




  • from 300°C to 1260°C in pure, oxidizing (air) and neutral atmosphere (inert gases)



  •  do not use with high temperatures in sulphurous, reducing or alternately oxidizing, and reducing atmosphere without protection

  • do not use with high temperatures in vacuum

  • do not use in atmosphere faviourizing "green mould"

  • reducing atmosphere


Type R





base thermocouple

Pt13%Rh - Pt
(platinum 13% rhodium/ platinum)

single wires made of platinum and platinum - rhodium alloy


Type R (+) leg:
platinum with 99.99% purity with a rhodium alloy (purity 99.98%) 13±0.05% rhodium portion

Type R (-) leg:
platinum with 99.99% purity


(melting point) recommended:
up to +1300°C


  • pure, oxidizing atmosphere (air), non aggresive (inert-) gases, and short-term in vacuum

  • above +1200°C type B more appropriate



  • reducing atmosphere umetal gases (for example plomb or zinc)

  • agressive vapours containing arsenic, phosphor or sulphur

  • do never use metal protecting tubes with higher temperatures

  • sensitive against impurities of impure metals


Type S






base thermocouple

Pt10%Rh - Pt
(platinum 10% Rhodium/ platinum)

single wires made of platinum and platinum - rhodium alloy


Type S (+) leg:
platinum with 99.99% purity with a rhodium alloy (purity 99.98%) 10±0.05% rhodium portion

Type S (-) leg:
platinum with 99.99% purity


(melting point) recommended:
up to +1300°C


  • pure, oxidizing atmospheres (air), non agressive (inert-) gases, and short-term in vacuum

  • above +1200°C type B more appropriate



  • reducing atmosphere umetal gases (for example plomb or zinc)

  • agressive vapours containing arsenic, phosphor, or sulphur

  • do never use metal protecting tubes with higher temperatures

  • sensitive against impurities of impure metals


Type B






base thermocouple

Pt 30%Rh - Pt 6%Rh (platinum -0% rhodium/ platinum-6% rhodium)

single wires made of platinum and platinum - rhodium alloy


Type B (+) leg:
platinum with 99.99% purity with a rhodium alloy (purity 99.98%) 29.60±0.2% rhodium portion

Type B (-) leg:
platinum with 99.99% purity with a rhodium alloy (purity 99.98%) 6.12±0.02% rhodium portion


max. +1820°C
(melting point) ordinary up to


  • pure, oxidizing atmosphers

  • neutral atmospheres

  • vacuum



  • reducing atmosphere or such with agressive vapoursor impurities which react with metals of the platinum group, if it is not protected with a non metal protecting tube


Type T




base thermocouple

Cu - CuNi

single wires made of non precious metals


Type T (+) leg:
99.95% copper, 0.02-0.07% oxygen, 0.01% impurities

Type T (-) leg:
55% copper, 45% nickelapprox. 0.1% cobalt, iron, and manganese




  • from -200°C to 370°C in vacuum, oxidizing (air), reducing or inert atmosphere (inert gases)

  • with higher temperatures bigger wire diameters are recommended



  • above +370°C not appropriate in a hydrogen atmosphere

  • not appropriate in radioactive environment


Type U





Unedelmetall-base thermocouple

Cu - CuNi (copper/copper-nickel)

single wires made of non precious metals


Type U (+) leg:
99.95% copper, 0.02-0.07% oxygen, 0.01% impurities

Type U (-) leg:
55% copper, 45% nickel approx. 0.1% cobalt, iron, and manganese




  • from -200°C to 370°C in vacuum, oxidizing (air), reducing or inert atmosphere (inert gases)

  • with higher temperatures bigger wire diameters are recommended



  • above +370°C not appropriate in a hydrogen atmosphere

  • not appropriate in radioactive environment


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