Cables for Medical Applications

Medical cables - SAB Bröckskes offers numerous cables and wires especially for medical technology. Whether robot, cleanroom, control or silicone cables, at SAB you will find the right cable for every sensitive and demanding area of medical technology. Our medical cables are complemented by sheathed thermocouples, connectors or temperature probes for use under the most demanding conditions.   

Whether in the operating theatre, in the laboratory or in information technology - we find the right solution for every environment. 

Development and production of cables for electromedicine

In order to recognise customer-specific requirements and enable safe applications, we rely on close customer contact with our own development department. As all production takes place exclusively on series systems, every prototype is also a series product that is suitable for presentation to the notified body. Cable production, which is possible from as little as 100 metres, allows measurements to be carried out on both the cable by the metre and the cable assembly under real conditions.

The subsequent exchange of knowledge and - if required - the subsequent practical implementation in design features are of fundamental importance for continuous successful use.

Product Overview Cables for Medical Applications

Connection technology for electromedicine from SAB Bröckskes
The listed examples show only a part of our manufacturing possibilities for medical technology. For other solutions we offer individual and application-oriented consulting.

Highly flexible cables according to your special requirements

Family business for construction and production since 1947

Please send us your inquiry
+49 (0)2162 898-0
Monday to Thursday, 7.30–16.30
Friday, 07.30–13.30