Technical Data Cables and Wires

Description | Resistances | Materials | Applications | Handling

We have summarized and structured technical information around the topic of electrical cables and wires. In the following overview you will find e.g. the technical description of cables and wires, resistances of used insulation- and sheath materials up to application areas and the correct handling of high-flexible cables. An overview of cables used in different industries can be found here. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any further questions or suggestions.

Insulation and sheath materials

Insulation- and Sheath Material SABIX®

What are halogen-free cables? What types of halogen-free cables are there?

Insulation- and Sheath Material PUR

What are PUR cables and what are their advantages?

Insulation- and Sheath Material PVC

What are PVC cables and how are they used?

Insulation- and Sheath Material Besilen® (Silicone)

Besilen® - Elastomer based on silicone rubber

Insulation- and Sheath Material ETFE, FEP, PFA

Temperature- and chemical-resistant materials for high-frequency and broadband technology, shipbuilding etc.

Technical characteristics

Insulation and sheath material characteristics

What insulation and sheath materials can be differentiated and what are their special features?

Chemical Resistance - Cables and Wires

Resistance of insulation and sheath materials against chemical substances

Oil resistance

Properties and mechanical numbers of cables and wires after being exposed to oil

MUD resistance

Resistance of materials against different liquids depending on temperature and duration of storage

Data Cables - Electrical Characteristics / Stranding

Electrical properties and strand structure of (shielded) data cables

Strand construction

How are cables and stranded wires structured? What are the differences between european and american ones?

American strand construction

Values of the actual cross-section in mm² with conductor resistance

Colour code

What colour codes are used to identify cables and wires and what do they mean?

Cable tests

Flame tests for electrical cables

Variety of flamability tests performed on electrical cables and wires

Life cycle test for track cables

Test results concerning the life cycle of track cables

Life cycle test for lift control cables

Schematic view of life cycle tests for lift control cables

Notes for a safety-oriented application

Guidelines for the laying of cables in cable tracks

The laying is supposed to be done carefully. What guidelines need to be considered?

Installation instructions for reeling cables

What guidelines need to be watched out for in order to keep the installation error-free?

Installation instructions for lift control cables

How is the installation supposed to proceed to ensure a error-free and long lasting function?

General notes for the installation of construction lift cables for basket applications

How should construction lift cables for cage applications be installed?

Instructions for the safe application of cables

Guidelines for a secure installation and use of cables and wires

Term explication/abbreviations

Types of Cables and Wires - Abbreviations

What types of cables are there? How are they identified?

Information on rules to protect humans and environment

Directives and regulations about the absence of harmful substances of used materials

Current carrying capacity of cables and wires

Calculating cable cross-sections and conversion factors for cables and wires

Drums and barrels

Filling Capacity of drums and barrels

How much of the product can be wound up on cable drums of different sizes?


Terms from the world of cables

Glossary of terms from the cable world

Highly flexible cables according to your special requirements

Family business for construction and production since 1947

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