
The certificates in the fields of Quality Management System, Environmental Management System, Energy Management System and in Occupational Health and Safety Management are an visible expression of our constant high quality. Besides these certificates gives our costumers trust and guaranty in our products once again.

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Quality Managament System acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001

Environmental Managament System acc. to DIN EN ISO 14001

Energy Management System acc. to DIN EN ISO 50001

Occupational Health and Safety Management acc. to NLF/ILO-OSH und DIN ISO 45001

UL certified cable harness

Highly flexible cables according to your special requirements

Family business for construction and production since 1947

Please send us your inquiry
+49 (0)2162 898-0
Monday to Thursday, 7.30–16.30
Friday, 07.30–13.30