Highly Flexible Chain Cables
Chain cables and wires for the automation industry are highly flexible and suitable for permanently flexible stressing, e.g. in cable drag chains. They are used as control cables or data cables on industrial robots, production lines and in automation systems. These cables withstand the highest demands on flexibility, abrasion resistance, notch toughness, oil resistance and chemical resistance.
The following drag chain cables have the following characteristics and can be modified according to the specific application. These cables are among others:
- halogen-free
- PWIS uncritical
- min. bending radius
- small outer diameter
- good EMC characteristics
- good chemical resistance

SD 200
Extremely flexible TPE/PUR data cable with coloured cores for continuous movement

S 200
Extremely flexible TPE/PUR control cable with numbered cores for continuous movement

SD 200 C
Continuously flexible TPE/PUR data cable with coloured cores and overall copper screen

S 200 C
Continuously flexible TPE/PUR control cable with numbered cores and overall copper screen

SD 200 C TP
Continuously flexible paired TPE/PUR data cable with coloured cores and overall copper screen

S 910 P
Continuously flexible TPE/PUR single conductor

S 910 CP
Continuously flexible TPE/PUR single conductor with overall copper screen

SD 980 P
Continuously flexible TPE/PUR data cable with coloured cores

S 980 P
Continuously flexible TPE/PUR control cable with numbered cores

SD 980 CP
Continuously flexible TPE/PUR data cable with coloured cores and overall copper screen

S 980 CP
Continuously flexible TPE/PUR control cable with numbered cores and overall copper screen

SD 980 CP TP
Continuously flexible paired TPE/PUR data cable with coloured cores and overall copper screen