What does FRNC, LSHF, LS0H or LSZH mean?

Frequent descriptions for cables with insulation and sheath materials with improved burning characteristics in cable industry are:

LS0H / LSZHlow smoke, “0” (zero) halogen / low smoke density , halogen free
LSHFlow smoke, halogen free / low smoke density, halogen free
FRNCflame retardant, non corrosive / flame retardant, halogen free

We recommend to check the whole data sheet. Therein you will find the corresponding indications which details of the standard are fulfilled.

LSZH and FRNC cable examples

Cable typeTechnical description
SABIX® R 605 FRNCLSZH, FRNC cable, tested acc. to EN 45545-2 | NFPA 130, UN/ECE R118
SABIX® R 645 FRNC TPLSZH, FRNC data cable, twisted pair with copper screen, tested to EN 45545-2 | NFPA 130, UN/ECE R118
SABIX® A 285 FRNC XLSZH, FRNC rail cable, cross-linked type, tested to EN 45545-2
SABIX® A 200 FRNCLSZH, FRNC control cable with numbered cores, improved fire performance and extended temperature range
SABIX® D 315 FRNCLSZH, FRNC flexible data cable with improved fire performance, extended temperature range and overall copper screen
SABIX® A 812 C FRNCLSZH, FRNC motor connection cable with numbered cores, improved fire performance, extended temperature range, inner sheath and overall copper screen
SABIX® BL 412 C FRNCLSZH, FRNC flexible power cable with overall copper screen 0.6/1 kV, DNV approved


Highly flexible cables according to your special requirements

Family business for construction and production since 1947

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+49 (0)2162 898-0
Monday to Thursday, 7.30–16.30
Friday, 07.30–13.30