Special cables
Our heat resistant special cables are very diverse but all of those cables mentioned below have one thing in common: their excellent temperature resistance up to +400°C.
Those cables are applied in different areas like e.g. in metallurgy and rolling mill technology, for the wiring of motors, generators, transformers, for the potting with impregnating materials with e.g. epoxy resin, for festoon suspension e.g. in crane systems, or as connecting cable in steel processing industry.
These cables are suitable for following temperature range:
Special connection cable
- fixed laying: up to + 400°C
- flexible application: up to + 400°C
Smeltery Cable
- fixed laying: -40°C to +180°C
- flexible application: -25°C to +180°C

Special single conductor
glass fibre insulated strands with excellent temperature resistance, +400 °C

Heat resistant connection cable
connection cable with excellent temperature resistance, +400 °C

Special connection cable
with silicone impregnated fibre-glass braiding, +180 °C

Festoon Cable
Besilen® insulated connection cable with glass fibre braiding, inner sheath and overall copper screen, +180 °C

Smeltery Cable
Besilen® insulated connection cable with glass fibre braiding and overall copper screen, +180 °C

SAB Heat
Parallel heating cable made of silicone 50W/m