Silicone (Besilen®) insulated strands, highly flexible


SiAFF/BiAFF is highly flexible silicone insulated strands that are flexible at low temperatures. Moreover, they are made for highly flexible applications for internal wiring of lamps, heating appliances, switchboard plants and distributors in industries such as smelteries, steelworks, and hot-rolling mills, industrial oven and textile machine construction, lamp, illumination, and electric industries as well as electric drive technology.

Outstanding features

  • halogen-free
  • flexible at low temperatures
  • heat resistant
  • highly flexible

Additional information

Colour code for single conductors:

0 = green-yellow     4 = grey
1 = blue                   5 = white
2 = black                 6 = reddish brown
3 = brown                7 = red



tinned copper strands, highly flexible


Besilen® EI2 acc. to EN 50363-1 + VDE 0207-363-1


tinned copper strands, highly flexible


Besilen® EI2 acc. to EN 50363-1 + VDE 0207-363-1

Technical data

Nominal voltage

Uo/U 300/300 V

Testing voltage

2000 V

Min. bending radius

5 x d

Radiation resistance

2 x 10^7 cJ/kg

Temperature range

fixed laying: -40/+180°C

flexible application: -25/+180°C

short-time use: +250°C


acc. to IEC 60754-1 + VDE 0482-754-1

Fire performance

flame retardant and self-extinguishing acc. to IEC 60332-1-2 + VDE 0482-332-1-2

Corrosiveness of conflagration gases

IEC 60754-2 + VDE 0482-754-2 - no development of corrosive conflagration gases

Chem. resistance

see "Technical Data" - Chemical resistance

Weather resistance

very good

Absence of harmful substances

acc. to RoHS directive of the European Union

Nominal voltage

Uo/U 300/300 V

Testing voltage

2000 V

Min. bending radius

5 x d

Radiation resistance

2 x 10^7 cJ/kg

Temperature range

fixed laying: -40/+180°C

flexible application: -25/+180°C

short-time use: +250°C


acc. to IEC 60754-1 + VDE 0482-754-1

Fire performance

flame retardant and self-extinguishing acc. to IEC 60332-1-2 + VDE 0482-332-1-2

Corrosiveness of conflagration gases

IEC 60754-2 + VDE 0482-754-2 - no development of corrosive conflagration gases

Chem. resistance

see "Technical Data" - Chemical resistance

Weather resistance

very good

Absence of harmful substances

acc. to RoHS directive of the European Union


item no. Nominal cross
Largest single
Copper figure Cable weight ≈ Outer-ø ± 10%
L0115025…*0,25 mm²0,05 mm2,4 kg/km6 kg/km1,9 mm Send inquiry
L0115050…*0,5 mm²0,05 mm4,8 kg/km9 kg/km2,2 mm Send inquiry
L0115051…*0,5 mm²0,07 mm4,8 kg/km9 kg/km2,2 mm Send inquiry
L0115075…*0,75 mm²0,05 mm7,2 kg/km12 kg/km2,4 mm Send inquiry
L0115076…*0,75 mm²0,07 mm7,2 kg/km13 kg/km2,5 mm Send inquiry
L0115100…*1 mm²0,05 mm9,6 kg/km15 kg/km2,7 mm Send inquiry
L0115101…*1 mm²0,07 mm9,6 kg/km15 kg/km2,7 mm Send inquiry
L0115150…*1,5 mm²0,07 mm14,4 kg/km22 kg/km3,3 mm Send inquiry
L0115250…*2,5 mm²0,07 mm24 kg/km35 kg/km4 mm Send inquiry
item no.
Nominal cross
Largest single
Copper figure
Cable weight ≈
Outer-ø ± 10%
0,25 mm²
0,05 mm
2,4 kg/km
6 kg/km
1,9 mm
0,5 mm²
0,05 mm
4,8 kg/km
9 kg/km
2,2 mm
0,5 mm²
0,07 mm
4,8 kg/km
9 kg/km
2,2 mm
0,75 mm²
0,05 mm
7,2 kg/km
12 kg/km
2,4 mm
0,75 mm²
0,07 mm
7,2 kg/km
13 kg/km
2,5 mm
1 mm²
0,05 mm
9,6 kg/km
15 kg/km
2,7 mm
1 mm²
0,07 mm
9,6 kg/km
15 kg/km
2,7 mm
1,5 mm²
0,07 mm
14,4 kg/km
22 kg/km
3,3 mm
2,5 mm²
0,07 mm
24 kg/km
35 kg/km
4 mm

Other dimensions and colours are possible on request.

Highly flexible cables according to your special requirements

Family business for construction and production since 1947

Please send us your inquiry
+49 (0)2162 898-0
Monday to Thursday, 7.30–16.30
Friday, 07.30–13.30