SPE cables and wires for highly flexible and harsh use in industrial environments

The digital revolution is not only resounding  throughout the land but hasalready found its way into many companies. In connection with Industry 4.0 the demands on data transmission in real time are growing considerably as well as the rapidly increasing degree of networking in production. The increasing networking and communication of machine components requires the treatment of larger data volumes that have to be transmitted reliably even under difficult conditions.

SPE Industrial Partner Network

Our contribution as a member of the SPE network is to establish the SPE technology on the international market and to initiate new fields of application in the different industries. For this purpose SAB Bröckskes has developed a complete product range for various applications:


Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) cables from SAB at a glance:

CATLine SPE C-Track             Single-Pair-Ethernet cable, suitable for cable tracks
CATLine SPE Robot Single-Pair-Ethernet cable, suitable for robots
CATLine SPE HT   Single-Pair-Ethernet cable, high temperature resistant
CATLine SPE RuggedSingle-Pair-Ethernet cable for railway applications
CATLine SPE Rail Single-Pair-Ethernet cable for robust indoor and outdoor use

    How are Single Pair Ethernet cables constructed? How does this compare to classic Industrial Ethernet technology?

    Due to the high mechanical and transmission requirements of single pair Ethernet cables, the demands on the design and production are also significantly higher compared to multi-pair stranded Ethernet cables. The exact manufacturing specifications must be met 100 %.

    All Single Pair Ethernet Cables are designed as single pair cables (2 x AWG 26/7) and can also be designed as hybrid cables depending on the application. SAB expects a lot of application-related special solutions, e.g. with power supply for motors and sensors. Especially in this area SAB sees itself well positioned and would like to offer individual solutions.  

    Depending on the application, there are different requirements for the design. For drag chain applications, a permanently flexible design with a specially adapted stranding technique was chosen for the CATLine SPE C-Track cable. For use in robot applications, the design was adapted so that flexible use for a torsional application of +/- 180° can be guaranteed.

    Benefits of SPE cables

    Compared to a classic 4-pair Ethernet cable, there are space savings up to 30% and weight advantages up to 35%. The potential savings in euros are therefore enormous if you extrapolate the amount of cable laid in km. In the course of a life cycle, e.g. for a railway, this quickly amounts to 6-digit euro sums.

    Status of Eco-Systems?

    Connectors are available from Harting, for example with which SAB Bröckskes works closely. The standard has already been completed.

    Use in robots & drag chains

    According to the current status, SPE does not require more bandwidth than Cat.7A. Single Pair Ethernet cables from SAB have already been successfully tested.

    Standards & specifications

    A T1 SPE C-Track cable shall meet the electrical and transmission requirements of the draft standard CD IEC 61156-12 Ed. 1.0.

    Special solutions for special applications

    The production possibilities of SAB do not only include standard types and dimensions but also special cables that are manufactured acc. to the respective requirements of the customer. SAB is able to realize productions already for small batches that are of interest for small or pilot series. 


    Overview Single Pair Ethernet Kabel

    Highly flexible cables according to your special requirements

    Family business for construction and production since 1947

    Please send us your inquiry
    +49 (0)2162 898-0
    Monday to Thursday, 7.30–16.30
    Friday, 07.30–13.30