Peter Bröckskes transfers shares to daughter Sabine
When Peter Bröckskes was asked by his father whether he would like to work for him, his father was 60 years old and Peter was 28. Peter Bröckskes decided to work together with his father. They worked together for nine years and his father involved Peter Bröckskes in the management of the company. Despite this, it was a shock for him when Peter Bröckskes sen. passed away after just nine years and the entire responsibility suddenly shifted to Peter Bröckskes.
That situation was one of the most difficult and critical in the history of SAB Bröckskes. But, thanks to a strong team, they got through this period and SAB is now stronger than ever.
"We are firmly convinced that this step as well as the timing is absolutely right and necessary. The single aim is to ensure a smooth transition to the 3rd generation. And I currently still feel fit to actively manage this transition," says Peter Bröckskes.
Peter Bröckskes is proud of his daughter and glad that she is prepared to take over the great responsibility of leading SAB Bröckskes, the company founded by her granddad over 64 years ago, into an even more successful future.
Sabine Bröckskes would like to warmly thank her father and the workforce for their trust in her. She is not underestimating the situation and knows that we can only achieve this if we all work together. And she naturally also hopes to be able to count on the support of the employees in the future. She will do everything in her power so ensure that SAB continues to remain an independent, family-owned company.