High voltage analogue measurement technology
HV sensor cable acceleration & strain gauges
In order to measure acceleration and mechanical tension (strain gauge), HV sensor cables are needed. By the use of these special sensor cables for example tri-axial IEPE acceleration sensors and strain gauges in full and half bridge of the standard low voltage ranges can be used. In combination with the CSM measuring modules HV IEPE3 FL100 and HV STG4 pro BS20 reliable measurements in stationary as well as mobile application for example at test benches can be realised.
HV analogue measuring cable and voltage measuring cable
The analogue and voltage measuring cable are especially appropriate for the creation of safe HV measuring chains for example between sensors with analogue voltage output and the CSM measuring modules of series HV AD. By the use of these HV measuring cables combined with the suitable measuring module a voltage up to 90 V and a high voltage up to 1000 V in the stationary test field or mobile road test can be measured.