DeviceNet Cables
Based on CAN structures DeviceNet was developed for the industrial process automation on the North American market. This system is divided into Trunk and Drop cable.
In the following overview we would like to give you a survey of different construction types of DeviceNet cables that are often used for industrial applications. If you don´t find an appropriate DeviceNet cable for your special application please get in contact with our cable experts. As a leading special cable manufacturer we are able to design and to produce a customized cable that meet your individual requirements.

DN 650
PVC DeviceNet™ cable with overall copper screen and UL recognition

DN 657
halogen-free, flexible DeviceNet™ cable with overall copper screen

DN 658
highly flexible DeviceNet™ cable with overall copper screen and UL recognition

DN 658 robot cable/Drop
highly flexible DeviceNet™ cable, suitable for robots with overall copper screen and UL recognition